Family Raised, Farm Ready
Our Does
More Pictures to Come Soon!

Long's Annabelle
DOB: 2013

Anna is our foundation KGBA doe. She got us into the breed and all of our does currently trace back to her. She is a sweet doe with a capacious udder. Anna would be considered on the dairy side for the Kinder standard, but improves kids through width and brisket extension. She also improves rump angle and teat size.

Mill Creek Kinders Millie
DOB: 2015

Millie is one of our top producing does. She throws exceptional width in her kids and also nice eschutcheons. Millie won the doe kid class in the first ever KGBA Virtual Show.

Mill Creek Kinders Rose
DOB: 2017

Rose is our most conformationally correct doe. She is a good example of the balance of meat and dairy qualities that Kinder goat breeders strive for.

Mill Creek Kinders Charlotte
DOB: 2017
Charlotte is another sweet doe that takes a lot after her dam, Millie. She has nice rear width providing plenty of room for a capacious udder. She has strong, proven milking genetics coming from her sire's side.